Technology developed for humans.

Robotics have the potential to greatly improve our quality of life.  At work, at home, or at play – our solutions provide support for all kinds of tasks. From helping people with spinal cord injuries to walk again to assisting industrial workers on the job. 

Paralympic athlete Jun-beom Park, aiming his arrow

Meet Jun-beom Park.

In 2019, we received a letter from Jun-boem Park . His moving story inspired our robotics team to take action. Could wearable robotics help Jun-boem walk again?
  1. Close-up of a finger pointing at a childhood photo of paralympic athlete Jun-beom Park

    His first steps.

    Jun-beom Park’s mother vividly remembers his first steps. Born prematurely at 7 months and weighing only 1.8 kg, he first encountered the world from an incubator but grew healthier and took his first steps at 15 months. Taken with confidence and a smile, this was just the start for the young Jun-beom Park.
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  1. Paralympic athlete Jun-beom Park sitting in his wheelchair in a locker room

    At eighteen, an unexpected accident.

    On May 5th, 2008, an accident changed Jun-beom Park ’s life forever. He'll never forget that day. Heading to the library with his friends. The echoing voices of the paramedics. Opening his eyes in the emergency room. Seeing his father cry for the first time. His thoracic vertebrae were damaged and he would be dependent on a wheelchair forever.
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  1. Close-up of a boy looking at goldfish swimming in an aquarium

    Despair, hope and goldfish.

    Depression struck. Park isolated himself from his friends, girlfriend and even his parents. It was difficult for him to adjust to the new reality. For over a year, he stayed in his room. Then a glimmer of hope in his pet goldfish, as he found comfort and understanding in caring for them.
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  1. Paralympic athlete Jun-beom Park sitting in his wheelchair practising archery

    A new challenge.

    The sport of archery guided Jun-beom Park out of his seclusion and back into the world. He first picked up a bow at a disability centre recommended by his therapist recommended. As he took aim, the world melted away and he directed his focus on a new target, to join the Korean national Paralympic team.
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  1. Paralympic athlete Jun-beom Park moving about in his wheelchair

    Practice, patient, preparation.

    Jun-Boem began to prove himself, joining a corporate team and winning a variety of competitions in his 10 year journey to reach the Korean National Team. Yet he still dreamed to be free from his wheelchair, and see the world eye-to-eye.
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How can our robotics help Jun-beom Park walk again?

Jun-beom's success and motivation, despite his challenging circumstances, moved and inspired our robotics Team. From the moment Jun-beom personally reached out, our “Second first steps” project began. Could we help him walk again?

Wearable Vest Exoskeleton.

Vest Exoskeleton (VEX) is another wearable robot developed by Hyundai. It's created to assist industrial workers who spend long hours working in overhead environments.
Close-up of Hyundai's VEX exoskeleton vest

What VEX does.

VEX supports the body and reduces muscle or skeletal strain during repetitive movements, or in heavy load situations. By imitating natural human movements, VEX boosts load support and mobility without putting stress on the user.
Two men trying out Hyundai's VEX exoskeleton vest in working conditions


VEX is made for workers whose job is primarily overhead, such as bolting the underside of vehicles, fitting brake tubes, and attaching exhausts.

Discover some of our other robotics innovations.